To update a windows system using ansible in a disconnected environment

I need to update a windows system using ansible in a disconnected environment.
I’m completely new to this so i need a procedure to do this, can anybody help

ansible-core windows update

Transfer the Patch Files to the Windows Host

You can do this with Ansible’s win_copy (or via a network share).

- name: Copy local patches
    src: /path/to/local/KB123456.msu
    dest: C:\temp\KB123456.msu

Install the Patch

Use win_package, win_command, or win_shell to install the .msu or .cab file.
For .msu files, a typical command is:
Copy code
wusa.exe C:\temp\KB123456.msu /quiet /norestart
A sample play:

- name: Install MSU updates offline
  hosts: windows
  gather_facts: no

    - name: Copy patch to target
        src: /path/to/KB123456.msu
        dest: C:\temp\KB123456.msu

    - name: Install patch with wusa
        command: wusa.exe C:\temp\KB123456.msu /quiet /norestart

    - name: Reboot if required
        reboot_timeout: 1800
      when: ansible_windows_update_pending is defined

If you have multiple updates, repeat for each, or structure them in a loop.
Check Installation

Optionally verify that the patch is installed using win_updates (though it may require an actual WSUS or Windows Update source to confirm). Alternatively, check the registry or WMI for presence of the update.