To setup 2 AWX nodes to accepts requests via LTM & both pointing to back end PostgreSQL server

Hello All,

Need some help,

Recently i installed and configured ‘Ansible-AWX’ on RHEL 7 using docker-compose and it is working as expected.

Here are the versions & containers currently running on the server,
AWX 15.0.1
Ansible 2.9.14 &
PostgreSQL 10.14 ( running on local server )

awx_postgres &

Now, i want to add another AWX server to share the traffic sitting behind the load balancer ( F5 LTM ) and pointing to common back end PostgreSQL database server,.

Wandering if this works ?

What changes should I make other than PostgreSQL host name in the inventory file ?

Please share your thoughts , appreciate your help. Thanks in Advance.


I want to do the same thing…i think this approach works…can some one confirm?