The Bullhorn #118

This week in Ansible Community

Issue #118, 2023-09-30 (Past Issues)

Welcome to The Bullhorn, our newsletter for the Ansible Community. If you have any questions or content you’d like to share, you’re welcome to chat with us in the Ansible Social room on Matrix, and mention newsbot to have your news item tagged for review for the next weekly issue!

KEY DATES :stopwatch:

cybette shared


Oranod said

Hi everyone! I have some exciting news to share and a request for your help. Back in March the Ansible Community Team at Red Hat announced that we were planning to launch a new website at to coincide with the wider initiative to build a more robust web presence for the Ansible Community. Well, now we’ve got something to show you.

We welcome you to take a look at the new Ansible Community homepage and blog and provide us with some early feedback. There is still work remaining to prepare before we can launch and start using that domain. In the meantime we’d like to get your opinions and bugfixes so please drop by the forum and find out how.

Special shoutout to Tina Yip for her outstanding work on the wireframe and awesome collaboration on the UX design! :tada:

Leo said

Hi all! The Galaxy NG team is excited to announce that the Next Generation of Ansible Galaxy is going live on September 30.

The code switch to ansible_ng means that the community will be using the latest code base and enhancements. Moving forward, this will enable the community to contribute and the platform to evolve faster, including new features such as hosting for execution environment images and a global search function.

A few things have been streamlined, and you can review a features comparison table in the blog post above to see what has changed at the time of the launch.

Join the Ansible Community Forum to comment on the Galaxy NG public launch and to discuss any ideas about the project.


AWX Project :arrow_upper_right:

AWX provides a web-based user interface, REST API, and task engine built on top of Ansible.

Lila Yasin contributed

Hi all,

We’re happy to announce that the next release of AWX, version 23.2.0 is now available!
Some notable features include:

  • Add makefile target to load dev image into Kind
  • Added release notes for version 23.1.0

In addition AWX Operator version 2.6.0 has also been released!
Some notable features include:

  • Added pattern and max-length to secret names

Please see the releases pages for more details: AWX, Operator.

The AWX Team

Antsibull :arrow_upper_right: :ox:

Tooling for building the Ansible package and collection documentation.

Felix Fontein shared

antsibull-docs 2.4.0 has been released with many new features and bugfixes. This release in particularly improves handling of other Sphinx builders than html.

There will be a follow-up release after Ansible Galaxy switches to the new galaxy_ng codebase, which is scheduled for September 30th. That release will only adjust the URLs to Galaxy, except potentially bugfixes.

Felix Fontein contributed

antsibull 0.58.0 has been released with a fix for ansible’s README and support for constraint files which make it easier to pin or avoid certain collection versions.

DevTools :arrow_upper_right: :pick:

Projects to make it easier to write and test Ansible Content. Includes VScode extension, language server, ansible-lint, molecule, ansible-navigator and potentially other development goodies. To see what’s planned, and how you can help checkout the foundation-devtools project board

Shatakshi said

ansible-navigator v3.5.0 is out!!
Some of the notable changes include:

  1. Bug fixes for reliable usage of environment variables while pulling execution environment image.
  2. Latest creator-ee updates.
  3. Better usage of lint subcommand along with more tests for ansible-lint integration within navigator.
    and more…

Please checkout the release notes for more details!

Ansible-Core :arrow_upper_right: :zap:

The ansible-core package contains the base engine and a small subset of modules and plugins. To see what’s planned for the next release, look at the ansible-core roadmaps.

cybette contributed

New release beta: ansible-core 2.16.0b1

Ansible :arrow_upper_right: :package:

The Ansible package includes ansible-core and is a batteries-included package that provides a curated set of Ansible collections. See the Ansible roadmaps for future release plans.

anwesha contributed

Ansible 9.0.0 Alpha1 is out! :heart:

:minidisc: You can install it by running the following command or download the release tarball directly from pypi:

$ python3 -m pip install ansible==9.0.0a1 --user

:arrow_right: Check Ansible 9 Porting Guide for more details!

Join the new Ansible Community Forum to follow along and participate in all the release-related discussions and announcements. Feel free to share your thoughts, ideas and concerns in there. Register here to join us!

PROJECT UPDATES :hammer_and_wrench:

Ranabir Chakraborty shared

This October, Ansible Middleware is participating in the Hacktoberfest 2023, the global celebration of open source collaboration.

Ansible Middleware is a suite of supported content that combines the power of Ansible automation with Red Hat’s Middleware portfolio. It allows organizations to meet their business demands and automate the installation, configuration, and management of Enterprise Middleware.

Ready to contribute? Check out the Contributing Guide, and browse Hacktoberfest Issues.

Questions? Reach out via email, if you have any queries or need assistance.


samccann contributed

Hacktoberfest starts October 1st and the Ansible projects are participating. See the list of open Hacktoberfest issues and join the fun!


cybette said

Ansible Contributor Summit 2023.10

Ansible Contributor Summit 2023.10 will be held on the first day of Sprints at DjangoCon US 2023 on October 19, where participants will be able to join both in-person (in Durham, NC, USA) and online. Please take a look at this blog post for details on proposing topics, registration, and more!

Sean Sullivan shared

The Infra config as Code collection group will have a Public Office hours meeting on Oct 5th at 9am EST/1pm UTC. This meeting is held the first Thursday of every month. Details here.

These collections are used to manage AAP Controller/AWX, Hub/GalaxyNG and build Execution Environments. If you have any questions that you want to ask, or topics to discuss, feel free to post them on the issue, or ask on the Ansible Forum with the tag #infra-config-as-code.

cybette shared

Ansible Buenos Aires will be having a meetup on Wednesday, Oct 11, to discuss Event-Driven Ansible, el Foro de la comunidad y Galaxy NG! Check out the details and RSVP.

Join Colorado Automates in their meetup on Wednesday, Oct 18, with 2 presenters discussing how Ansible is speeding up their organization and partner organizations along with networking mixed in. Details and RSVP.


Have any questions you’d like to ask, or issues you’d like to see covered? Please ask in! See you next time!