This week in Ansible Community
Issue #115, 2023-09-11 (Past Issues)
Welcome to The Bullhorn, our newsletter for the Ansible Community. If you have any questions or content you’d like to share, you’re welcome to chat with us in the Ansible Social room on Matrix, and mention newsbot
to have your news item tagged for review for the next weekly issue!
cybette shared
- 2023-09-11: ETA for Ansible-Core 2.13.12, 2.14.10 and 2.15.4
- 2023-09-12: ETA for Ansible 8.4.0 release
- 2023-09-12: DaWGs meeting, 15:00 UTC
- 2023-09-13: Community WG meeting, 18:00 UTC (propose topics here)
- 2023-09-14: Bullhorn #116 content deadline, 18:00 UTC
- 2023-09-18: ansible-core feature freeze, stable-2.16 branch created
- 2023-09-20: Ansible Community Day, Berlin 2023
- 2023-10-19: Ansible Contributor Summit 2023.10
Gwmngilfen contributed
Welcome to the new Ansible Community Forum
It’s time! Sign up here
As has been discussed over the past 6+ months, the new Ansible Community Forum is live! The wider announcement will go out later on Monday, but you lovely readers get to hear about it now - please come on in!
We’re aiming big, to create a place for the whole ecosystem to gather and discuss topics of interest, get help, find out about events, and get involved. With powerful tagging, filtering, notification options, and search, you should be able to set this up to track the topics you care about and want to participate in (and since this is a newsletter - yes, that works over email too, check for the X-Discourse-* headers
This forum will be a major step towards tackling the fragmentation we’ve talked about in previous discussions, giving us a single place to talk Ansible (something many of you have asked about when getting started yourselves). There’s more to say here, but I’ll save the ways in which we’re planning to make use of this for future posts.
However, that’s only going to work if you (yes, you) come and use it. So grab an account, say hello, add some tags to watch, and set a reminder to check back later
. For those of you looking for something to dive right into, here’s a few suggestions:
- The new community website wireframes could use some feedback
- We’ve been working on our mission statement, maybe you have an opinion?
- Looking for a Meetup? Or want to start one? Look here!
- And, of course, answers to Open #Help requests are very welcome
We look forward to getting to know you! Onwards!
cybette said
Ansible Community Day, Berlin 2023
Thanks to everyone who’ve submitted presentations! You can find the selected and confirmed talks here.
If you haven’t yet registered, we’d appreciate you doing it soon on Eventbrite so we can coordinate the space and refreshments accordingly. Looking forward to connecting with the community on Sept 20!
cybette contributed
Ansible Contributor Summit 2023.10
Ansible Contributor Summit 2023.10 will be held on the first day of Sprints at DjangoCon US 2023 on October 19, where participants will be able to join both in-person (in Durham, NC, USA) and online. Please take a look at the initial details here and propose your topics!
Helen Bailey said 6.4.0 has been released with a new module named, some documentation improvements, new features and bugfixes (see changelog for details). 5.5.4 has been released with documentation updates including updated documentation relating to secure use of the ec2_key module (see changelog for details).
Felix Fontein shared
There is a community vote on a new policy for community.general on which ansible-core versions will be supported in new major releases. Basically support for ansible-core versions will be dropped if they were EOL at least a few weeks before the major release. For the upcoming community.general 8.0.0, that means that it will drop support for ansible-core 2.11 and 2.12 and require at least ansible-core 2.13. Details can be found in the associated issue.
samccann contributed
Looking to help out in Ansible but not sure where to start? Take a look at some easyfix or good first issues:
- across multiple collections
- for all other Ansible projects
cybette said
Join Ansible Zürich on September 12 to hear about “Encrypting Ansible secrets with SOPS”, “Integration Ansible + Terraform”, and “Ansible Architecture” - details and RSVP.
Have any questions you’d like to ask, or issues you’d like to see covered? Please ask in! See you next time!