I am pretty happy with ansible but I still don’t get my head fully around some of the concepts.
Maybe somebody can give me input which helps me to handle ansible the correct way.
Task: I want to do the pub IP configuration of all my hosts via ansible (dhcp isn’t a option)
- I am not sure if it makes more sense to do this via a playbook or via the API.
- How do I handle the variables (interface, IP, netmask) correctly in API mode. (how to handover variables for template files?)
Here is my script:
import ansible.runner
import sys
hosts = {
{“eth0”: (“”, “”),
“eth0.1”: (“”, “”)},
{“eth0”: (“”, “”)}
def remote_exe(host, iface, ip, net):
results = ansible.runner.Runner(pattern=host, forks=2, module_name=“template”, module_args=“src=‘ip_template’, dest=(‘/home/mw/%s.txt’ % (iface))”, remote_user=“mw”,).run()
return results
for host in hosts.keys():
for iface in hosts[host]:
print “%s:\n%s => %s/%s” % (host, iface, hosts[host][iface][0], hosts[host][iface][1])
print remote_exe(host, iface, hosts[host][iface][0], hosts[host][iface][1])