Python API -> Inventory Variables

All -

I am having hell with this:

getLog = ansible.runner.Runner(
module_args=‘src=/tmp/logs.tar.gz dest=./output/???/logs flat=yes validate_md5=no’,


In line 5, you can see I put a whole bunch of ???. If I were writing a playbook, I would have something like {{ ansible_ssh_host }} there.
I want the IP address of the target so that when everything is done, I have all my server logs back on my machine.

I have verified, the logs (/tmp/logs.tar.gz) ARE there, and if I try and fetch them without a varible it works…but they all overwrite each other.

Anybody have an idea??

First off, what’s ansible --version?

Second, can you show the line you have tried using the variable?

This is a more-appropriate question for ansible-devel in the future.


So, reducing this to a more simple example:

getLog = ansible.runner.Runner(
module_args=‘echo “{{ansible_ssh_host|default(inventory_hostname)}}”’,

In the above, I can confirm that standard variable replacement, just as used in a playbook, work as expected here:

{‘dark’: {}, ‘contacted’: {‘’: {u’cmd’: [u’echo’, u’’], u’end’: u’2014-10-01 07:40:29.208210’, u’stdout’: u’’, u’changed’: True, u’start’: u’2014-10-01 07:40:29.202530’, u’delta’: u’0:00:00.005680’, u’stderr’: u’‘, u’rc’: 0, ‘invocation’: {‘module_name’: ‘command’, ‘module_args’: u’echo “”'}}}}

I am running Ansible version 1.7.

I have tried many different flavors of variables. I have tried using Ansiable syntax:

module_args='src=/tmp/logs.tar.gz dest=./output/{{ inventory_hostname }}/logs

…as I would in a YML playbook.

Matt -

Thanks for the assistance. I will try that shortly and see if I get the desired effect. I hadn’t been using default() around it…

This did it! Thanks, I was not including the ‘|default(…)’ piece.