Test connectivity onto windows hosts

Hi All,

I have got an ansible tower setup, I am trying to test out which servers my saved credential has access to. To this effect, I am wondering what is the best way to achive this task ?

Create a dynamic inventory and then write a script to run on the host ?
The script needs to be able to do a simple task such as grab the hostname, time and the credential context from the server. I will then need to collect a log of the output and save it in a log or import onto a database for analysis of which servers the credential worked on and which ones failed.

The hosts are all windows hosts, I was tempted to use powershell as a scripting language, but this might not be a good idea as the powershell version on the target host might be different, so plain old dos would suffice.

Any ideas please.

win_ping is designed to test 'minmal access to use ansible'