a question of managing windows system through ansible tower

hi :
I have provide playbook which can install apache server on a windows server, and I can run it with following command:
ansible-playbook -i ./hosts ./site.yml
the hosts file’s content is:

But when i try to repeat above process on ansible tower, I meet following problem: I don’t know how to set Credentials!

I have set the connection information in Inventories’s group variable, if I leave Credentials item to null in JobTemplate, it prompt “Credential Required” when I try to trigger it; if I create a Credentials, how to configure its items? (I have tried to set its SSH username and password as Windows’ username and password, but it finally failed to execute.)

I think all items are used to SSH connection, but for Windows system, it uses native powershell remoting, rather than SSH.

Anybody can help me out?

Many Thanks!


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