template import from outside of templates dir

One of my roles uses a template, which has an {% import … %} statement to include data from another template.

I’d like this other template to be outside of the role’s “templates” directory, since it will be shared by multiple roles.

If I try including a relative path:
{% import …/…/…/foo.j2 as foo with context %}
it fails with the error “Cannot find/not allowed to load (include) template”. I think this is because Jinja2 won’t include paths with “…” in them.

But it also fails if I include an absolute path, using playbook_dir:

{% import playbook_dir ~ ‘/foo.j2’ as foo with context %}

Why would that second version fail? Is there another way to do this?


The "template" plugin will use the runner's basedir, so try to specify a
path relative to the playbook's directory.


Thanks – that worked, e.g.:

{% import ‘roles/other_role/templates/foo.j2’ as foo with context %}
