I have to run something like this in a playbook task:
ansible-playbook sites/playbook.yml --limit=server1,server2
I would like to include this playbook in another playbook. How to add the --limit parameter:
- name: my run list
hosts: localhost
connection: local
gather_facts: False
- include: sites/playbook.yml
- name: my other tasks
The --limit parameter content is generated on the fly, so I don’t know in advance the servers where the playbook will be applied.
Any ideas ?
How about you add server1 and server2 to a group in your inventory - something like this
[application_servers] server1 server2
and then change sites/playbook.yml so it does
hosts: application_servers
instead of
hosts: all
If you want to run the same playbook on different server types, you can specify multiple host groups in your ‘hosts’ line
hosts: application_servers:webservers:database_servers
Hope this helps
Hi Jon,
Thanks for the answer but it’s not dynamic, as I said, I don’t know in advance which will be the servers where the playbook should run on.
Any idea ?