is still an issue in ansible 1.9.3 as far as I can tell. A previous commenter said it was still existing on 1.8.4. Here’s my vars, inventory and playbook: I run it on the command line (OSX 10.10.5) with:
ansible-playbook -i inventory/create/staging create-servers.yml --extra-vars “xgroup=groups.staging”
Note that I have to pass in groups.staging
as an extra variable to get around the bug in question. This playbook creates ‘preview01’ on Linode and secures the server just fine. The goal is to be able to run this script against ‘inventory/create/production’ and have it create several servers under the ‘production’ group.
Once the servers are created, I can then run my provisioning playbooks, using the Linode dynamic inventory module.
Is there another way to do this, or am I doing things wrong?