System Requirement for awx

Can someone tell me what is the system requirement (at max) for running awx and using it for production.

You need to establish your use case.

We use it in production running a single playbook on 10 environments and use a m4.large EC2 instance.

This is a bit of a silly question to be honest.

sorry, I should have mentioned it. :sweat_smile:

At max I would be running single playbook on 100 nodes.
Can you specify the requirement in such case.

I’ve never seen max system requirements, but minimum requirements are in the documentation.

One playbook with 100 hosts in inventory seems minimal, but it depends on the work being done inside it. One ping task would use very low resources, but 1000 assorted tasks could be high. There is no limit to how much work could be done in a single playbook.

Start with the minimum and see how your load looks.

I agree with David, get it installed and see where you are with it, run it in check only mode if you’re worried? You are not going to find what you are looking for by posting on the group, you need to get busy :slight_smile:

System requirement for Ansible AWX is:

Hardware requirements:

Features Required Recommended

Free Disk Space 20GB 100 GB

Free RAM 4 GB 8 GB

CPU Cores 2 2
