What’s the right way of using jinja2 in when statement .
I basically have a condition to check if something like below exists in stdout of perious results.
When :
_ ’ {{ var1 }}-{{ var2}}-{{ item }}-{{ var3 }} in prev_results.stdout’
Jinja isn’t allowed in when.
The above variables are appended with hyphen and item value to generate the actual string .
So whats the right syntax to use that.
Kindly assist
I got this working.
When :
- " var + '-'+var2 +'-'+item "
I have another problem now.
Please assist.
I have inventory variables like below :
Host1 dblist='["sar","Cor",...]
Host2 dblist='["db1","DB2","db3",...]'
#dblist for every host is huge like some 20 items.
Now for every hostgroup I have group variables file under group_vars dir
Example of Grp1.yml under griup_vars dir
Cat Grp1.yml
- attr : "varname"
attrval : "str"
attrtype : "string"
- attr : "secname"
attrval : "DB"
attrtype : "typing"
- .
Same like above keys n diff values
In one of my task I need to access both inventory host list variable dblist and group variables App_attr
Name : access both of them.
Command : myscript {{ item.O }}-{{ inventory_hostname }} --appname {{ item.1.attr }} --appval {{ item.1.attrval }} --apptype {{ item.1.attrtype }}
- "{{ dblist }}"
- "{{ App_atrr }}"
I'm getting error.
Dict object has no element 1.
Looks like App_attr is not parsed properly. What's the right way to pass it.
Please suggest