Suggestion: telnet transport for network devices?

Would there be any mileage in having some way to connect to network devices over telnet in addition to SSH?
I know that telnet is insecure, but many network devices (Cisco certainly) ship with SSH disabled and only telnet out-of-the-box.
My drive for using Ansible is to try and take as much manual configuration and potential for errors or inconsistencies out of the equation, and do as much as possible in a controlled and scripted way. It defeats the object slightly if I have to manually configure SSH and authentication on each new switch.
(For that matter, being able to plug laptop into switch console port and do initial configuration locally over serial would be another option…)

Hello Steve,

I have some idea about this topic and we know in Ansible 2.4 we have module to execute telnet on device.

The point that is figure out now to access device via this module and implement some scripts in IOS Cisco devices to enable SSH. However, my problem now is working with some interaction of playbook, because when execute some commands to implement SSH, question are requested to continue script.

Did you evaluate in something to execute those tasks?

Kind Regards,