Stumped on how to restore AWX backup to minikube running on mac laptop.

hmm …

admin@minikube:~$ kubectl get all -A | grep awx-demo-postgres-13 awx pod/awx-demo-postgres-13-0 1/1 Running 0 25h awx service/awx-demo-postgres-13 ClusterIP None 5432/TCP 2d15h awx statefulset.apps/awx-demo-postgres-13 1/1 25h

I wonder if I should try and change the name of one of those resources.

Try this
kubectl -n awx exec -it -c awx-task – bash
In the container shell
psql -h awx-demo-postgres-13.awx.svc.cluster.local -d awx -U <DB_USER> -W
Is the connection established

I think it is making a connection … but since I don’t know the password. I just see this …

root@awx-demo-postgres-13-0:/# psql -U awx -h awx-demo-postgres-13.awx.svc.cluster.local -d awx -W Password: psql: error: connection to server at “awx-demo-postgres-13.awx.svc.cluster.local” (, port 5432 failed: FATAL: password authentication failed for user “awx”

Excellent! This is a password issue.
kubectl -n awx get secrets
Hopefully the output will include something that refers to postgres.
If the output includes a secret called awx-demo-postgres-configuration then we can extract the password.
What you can do is:
kubectl -n awx get secret/awx-demo-postgres-configuration -o yaml
The password in the output is just the base64 encoded of the db password.

ok thanks! I got the password updated now.

root@awx-demo-postgres-13-0:/# psql -U awx -h awx-demo-postgres-13.awx.svc.cluster.local -d awx -W Password: psql: error: connection to server at “awx-demo-postgres-13.awx.svc.cluster.local” (, port 5432 failed: FATAL: password authentication failed for user “awx” root@awx-demo-postgres-13-0:/# psql -U awx psql (13.10 (Debian 13.10-1.pgdg110+1)) Type “help” for help. awx=# \password awx Enter new password for user “awx”: Enter it again: awx=# quit root@awx-demo-postgres-13-0:/# psql -U awx -h awx-demo-postgres-13.awx.svc.cluster.local -d awx -W Password: psql (13.10 (Debian 13.10-1.pgdg110+1)) Type “help” for help. awx=#

That did it! I have restored by backup from one AWX server and moved it to a minikube cluster running awx-operator.
Thanks for all the help! now I just need to write up a step by step procedure.