Thanks Michael,
Tower allows you to upload a private key
Well the key only was an example. One that I just made up because there
might be the possibility one needs to change it. Another example would be
the ssh *timeout* or more generally the *ssh_args*. Probably this all
could be set in the ssh config. I just want to make sure there won't be a
showstopper in future when a user requires a config tweak and can't set it
because the cfg is in source control.
How realistic is that this would need to change on a per project setting
versus a per installation setting? In many cases it seems these should be
able to have very good defaults that work for everyone IMHO>
The storage of ssh keys in Tower for sure is a very nice feature which
might get interesting for us in future for security reasons.
It's recommended, to be consistent with the majority of the ansible
community, that people don't adopt hash_behavior=merge. However there are
some that really feel like they should use it.
I don't see a way around this setting in our case. That's because our
systems will be furnished with many different services which are provided
by different teams.
So far this describes most all Ansible users 
And which config a service uses might depend on other services. A good
example for this would be Splunk. Splunk is a tool for collecting and
indexing logfiles. Which logs will be collected depends then on which other
services will run on a host. My idea was to organize this in groups.
Cool, we've got a lot of big users using Ansible for splunk configuration...
group_vars for group-A:
file-A: sourcetype-A
group_vars for group-B:
- file-B: sourcetype-B
When the host belongs to group A and B the content will be merged:
file-A: sourcetype-A
file-B: sourcetype-B
So I think I understand it is that on a per role basis you want to
configure splunk to possibly go to different locations.
In such a case, I think this could easily be solved with a template that
based on something like group_names, decides to add which forwarders.
Ignoring splunk and generalizing it to foo.conf at the moment:
{% if 'xyz' in group_names %}
text code to enable forwarder A
{% endif %}
{% if 'jkl' in group_names %}
text code to enable forwarder B
{% endif %}
A playbook might look like this:
- name: Some playbook
hosts: [some-host-which-may-belong-to-A-and/or-B]
- { role: role-A, when: "'group-A' in group_names" }
- { role: role-B, when: "'group-B' in group_names" }
- { role: splunk-forwarder, when: "splunk-forwarder is defined and
splunk-forwarder | length > 0" }
So along with some other roles the splunk-forwarder role is applied which
then uses the config of the other groups.
Another use case - exceptionally one that is not made up and I really have
in my evaluation experiment - is a redis proxy (twemproxy by twitter) which
should forward connections to different redis clusters. Each cluster is
defined in a separate group. To get the relevant configuration of all
clusters I include the *group_vars* of all clusters in a loop. The proxy
config only holds references to the clusters, like so:
- host: some-host
- cluster: A
pool: A
- cluster: B
pool: K
So this *group_vars* holds the config for all proxies on all hosts. Here
we have 2 pools each defined in a different cluster. In a loop in the proxy
role I then include all the group_vars of the clusters (redis-proxy-*A*,
redis-proxy-*B*) which again will be merged hashes.
I would probably approach this by templating the config file if possible
too, though there could be other approaches.
I recommend you set a policy on what you use so that everyone can easily
read playbooks and know what might be going on.
In case of the *hash_behavior* you are right. Since roles are services
provided by different teams we need consistent behavior which developers
can rely on. Though for callback plugins this still is a problem.
I'm not sure how you have callbacks and roles interlocking, as they are
not related concepts.
It's just that you need to define the roles on the same level as the
ansible.cfg or the playbook won't find them.
The simple requirement "playbook specific callback" -> requires a specific
ansible.cfg -> requires a root folder for every playbook where the cfg can
be placed in along with the playbook -> requires the roles on the same
level inside this specific folder.
I'm still confused a bit why you would have 100 different chat channels.
That seems pretty interesting, but also almost like you'd want a better
way of recording than chat channels. Not to say this isn't novel.
You could also write a callback that payed attention to the name of the
play or something, though this may require some tweaking.
However, if your custom callback requires configuration, the common
mechanism is for it to read an environment variable. This environment
variable could even reference the path to a configuration file.
It's not that I need config (well, I do, but that's another topic ;-)) but
to enable or disable a callback per playbook. Some team might want to log
to a database like you say. Another team might want to send notifications
to their Hipchat channel. Who knows. That's up to them, I just try to find
a solution to give them the chance to do whatever they want. Environment
variables might be an option, but that's everything but convenient when a
user needs to manually set 15 variables before running the playbook and
then changing it when running another one.
Forgot about this.
Unless I misremember implementing it a playbook can have a
"./callback_plugins" directory relative to it and that will work.
Whether this was a symlink or whatever, that callback plugin could contain
an INI file or something that included a room ID.
From the other mail thread I have seen how to access vars inside the
callback plugin and that might be a handy option. Then it would be possible
to enable/disable a callback per group_vars.
but I'd first like to step back and ask what your callbacks *do*
Nothing specific. I don't really have callbacks other than the Hipchat
plugin I'm playing with. I just want to find the best possible setup to
give our teams the most freedom in future. But as written before, roles
come from different teams and each team might want to get notified on
failure, log changes to a database or whatever comes to their mind. So I
need a flexible framework where things can be configured per playbook and
With the settings available in the callback I believe I can work.
In the *all* group_vars we then can define notification settings:
- type: Hipchat
room: 12345
- type: Email
- type: Hipchat
room: 12345
Each element (playbook-name, role-name, task-name and the actual callback
type name could be a wildcard to match any value, so a role provider could
get notified of failures in-depended of the playbook name.
Each callback would then run through those definitions and either get
active or not. Then I can use a simple structure as we do not require a
custom cfg to define a separate set of callbacks.
As for user specific settings vs. company-wide settings: Is there a
reasons why multiple cfg's are not merged? Would you accept a PR for such a
We thought it would be confusing. Various folks agree and disagree.