Starting EC2 Instance in 'us-west-2a' Region Gives Unexpected Error

I have:

  • hosts: localhost

gather_facts: false

connection: local



  • ‘i-62f8a46f’

region: ‘us-west-2a’


  • name: Start the instance(s).


module: ec2

instance_ids: ‘{{ instance_ids }}’

region: ‘{{ region }}’

state: running

wait: True

This is fairly much a copy past of one of the examples.

However, Ansible’s ec2 module complains like this:

% ansible-playbook ./playbook.pp

PLAY [localhost] **************************************************************

TASK: [Start the instance(s).] ************************************************

failed: [localhost] => {“failed”: true}

msg: value of region must be one of: ap-northeast-1,ap-southeast-1,ap-southeast-2,eu-west-1,sa-east-1,us-east-1,us-west-1,us-west-2, got: us-west-2a

FATAL: all hosts have already failed – aborting

PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************

to retry, use: --limit @/Users/lloy0076/playbook.pp.retry

localhost : ok=0 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=1

Unfortunately this region does now exist; I added an ‘ec2_url’ rather than the ‘region’ but how would I go about finding out if someone’s asked for the module to be updated to reflect this new region?


region: ‘us-west-2a’

aws region not has this region , us-west-2a is zone name not region , the region name is us-west-2

在 2014年8月30日星期六UTC+8上午11时08分02秒,David Lloyd写道:

The ec2 modules only accept the top level region, not the sub-regions. Just specify us-west-2 instead.