ec2_group does not honor region or ec2_url parameter

Hi all,

I am using Ansible 1.9.2 and when I was in /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ansible/modules/core/cloud/amazon and grep for region or ec2_url I did not see any real mention of either these in the codes.

grep ‘ec2_url|region’

  • the EC2 region to use
    region: eu-west-1a

These are there but parts of the documentation.

ec2_group description=‘Allow hadoop access from outside of AWS’ vpc_id=vpc-xxxxxx region=us-gov-west-1 name=ext-hadoop-gov aws_access_key=xxx aws_secret_key=xxxx


ec2_group description=‘Allow hadoop access from outside of AWS’ vpc_id=vpc-xxxxxxx ec2_url= name=ext-hadoop-gov aws_access_key=xxx aws_secret_key=xxx

I ran into a problem where I am trying to use ec2_group to manage security groups in gov cloud us-gov-west-1 region and does not matter whether I specified region or/and ec2_url nothing seems to work.
I used the same role to manage security groups in us-east-1 and us-west-2 and things worked without any issue.

Reading the man page gave me the impression that you can use either these. Has anybody gotten this to work with us-gov-west-1 region?

Thank you very much,