Specifying multiple credentials in a Job Template?

I was trying to add multiple credentials in a job template and realized that it wouldn’t let me. Hovering over the tool tip I see ‘Select credentials that allow Tower to access the nodes this job will be ran against. You can only select one credential of each type.’

But after reading this https://docs.ansible.com/ansible-tower/latest/html/administration/multi-creds-assignment.html

It seems as though we should be able. The documentation is ambiguous and only shows an example of using a multiple credential assignment with a Vault credential type from the UI, but does seem to indicate more general support for adding multiple credentials via the API.

My questions are:

  1. Does AWX support multiple credentials via the API for machine/network type credentials?
  2. Are there plans for AWX to support multiple machine/network type credentials via the UI?
  3. If the answer to both of these is no, how are people solving the problem of different credentials per device in AWX?

You can have multiple credential types so you may have one vault, one machine, but you can’t have two machine credentials, you can solve by using vault and host /group vars.

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