Multiple machine credentials for a Job Template in AWX !


How to use multiple machine credentials for a Job Template in AWX? because i want to run a playbook to install something in three hosts ( forming a group) at the same time, Could someone point me in the right direction or be kind enough to share their knowledge?, All thanks !

Mohamed Amine Jarboui

Devops Intern

If each host has a different credential, this is not possible. You will have to launch multiple jobs grouping the hosts by credential.

Kind regards.


I think there should be a way to use multiple machine credentials in job template. I am also looking for a solution on this. I am running dynamic vmware inventory where I have machines part of different domains. Using smart inventory there is no good way to group machines by domain name because sometimes it uses domain information of esx host running the machine. I would like to gather facts so that we will receive correct information which can be groups correctly but since we need to use multiple credentials of different domains it looks impossible in current scenarios of how job templates can be used.

I guess people using Tower must have solution for this. Mostly all Orchestrator or Automation products have multi creds capabilities, so looking forward to get help on this for AWX.
