Specifying environment variables (API credentials) for integration test

Hi, I am tryign to write integration test for packet_device module (the module allocates a node in the PAcket host).

I put the module calls and asserts to main.yml to test/integraion/targets/packet_device/tasks/.

To authenticate in the PAcket API, one needs an API token. The module reads it from environment (also it can be specified by param). I have the proper envvar exported in my shell when I run

$ ansible-test integration --local -v packet_device

but the Ansible module call doesn’t have it in the environment.

My question:
What is the proper way to pass API credentials to integration tests? I would really prefer to do it over envvars, but I can put the API token to yaml file.

I see a mention of integration_config.yml in

but that file is not in .gitignore.