Specify file location with disk (with community proxmox_vm)

Currently I would appreciate it if anyone was able to help me figure out how to specify a location for my disk file in ansible, I had a look at the docs for community.general.proxmox_kvm, and I could not find a option for specifying where I want my 2qcow file or whatever other format I will end up be using is located, this is because I have a hard drive mounted at boot, and I want my disk file to be in that hard drive.

So again, if someone can tell me how to specify the location of a extra disk file, it would be very much appreciated.

One of options that come to my mind: you have to configure PVE host to have a storage pool that points to this drive and have this pool with ISO option enabled. Then you can refer to this storage with Ansible.
Ansible modules work with Proxmox objects as you work with them in the Web GUI (because them use the same API underneath). If you cannot see ISO image in GUI, neither can Ansible.

I dont know if you have to configure it on the GUI beforehand, I mean, there is this option, but I dont know if it allows me to specify a custom location for my disk or how to use it so a example would be appreciated:

At the storage section, i could me mistaken.

TLDR: No, you cannot use a random location for the disk image. Proxmox API does not allow this.

You are using the community.general.proxmox_kvm module (this section particularly). The ide parameter definitely has no such option as file. Correct ide section must follow the defined syntax:

- name: Create new VM using Cloud-Init with an ssh key
    node: sabrewulf
    name: spynal
      ide2: 'local:cloudinit,format=qcow2'

So is there ANY way to use a local location for a disk image? in any roundabout way? like smb, but perferably some solution that doesnt involve the remote file solutions.

Copy ISO image to the storage that the Proxmox host is aware of. This storage has to be defined in the Web GUI at the cluster level (but you can limit it to this only host). How to implement this is up to you - you can make it manually or write Ansible tasks that will copy the image for you or write Python module (too much effort imho).