Source Control Credential Not Getting Populated While Creating Project

Hello Experts,

I am new to Ansible AWX and have recently installed in my test environment. I am going through the documents and want to created small jobs and test it. I have created account in github and have uploaded my playbook. Also I have configured Credentials for Source Control Credentials for git in AWX and have also uploaded the github private token. While creating the Project, the Source Control Credential is not getting populated and hence not able to create one. Request you to please help me to fix this or provide some links with documentation.

Thanks in advance.

This credential doesn’t support github private token, instead you should provide username/password or github SSH private key

Let us know if that is helpful

AWX Team


I tried using username and password, the one which I use for login into GitHub, but it’s not working.

Getting this below error.

fatal: unable to access '': Could not resolve host:

This is strange issue. Internet is available on the server and no proxy configured. I am able to ping , but unable to ping GitHub.

Github don’t support login/password away from website, use ssh key

суббота, 1 апреля 2023 г. в 08:19:27 UTC+3,

Username/password should work with git checkouts but it sounds like there was an issue resolving hosts. We had heard there was issues with github servers in some locations last week. Are you still having this issue or has it been resolved?

-The AWX Team

Where can I set up username/password or ssh personal access code in the project?


Username/password should work with git checkouts but it sounds like there was an issue resolving hosts. We had heard there was issues with github servers in some locations last week. Are you still having this issue or has it been resolved?

I cannot pull the credential which I added. “Source Control Credential” menu does not show the credentials at all.

In github, you can create a ‘deploy key’ for a repository.
This key will only be valid for that repository.

First, create a key pair.
In github, navigate to your repository’s homepage and click on Settings.
Click on ‘Deploy keys’ and then click ‘Add deploy key’.
Give it a name and paste the public key and save it.
In AWX, create a ‘Source Control’ credential type.
Give it a name and paste the private key into the box (and also the passphrase if you used one) and save it.

In your project definition, set the Source Code Credential to the credential you just created and save it.