Some changes to the official AWX CLI

Hey folks,

I wanted to take a moment to inform the community of a change we’ve made to how we publish and distribute the official AWX command line interface. In prior versions of AWX, we included official AWX CLI releases as part of the tarballs available on our GitHub releases page ( As of AWX 13.0.0 (released today), we’re additionally going to publish these official builds on PyPI at:

To install the latest stable CLI, you can now run:

pip3 install awxkit

…anywhere you’ve got Python3 (and pip) installed. While you’re giving this a whirl, be sure to check out the official support we’ve added for import and export CLI commands (a new CLI feature available in AWX 13.0.0). We’d love your feedback on this new functionality.

Happy automating!

Thanks Ryan.

One question, does the import/export work in 13.0.0 going forward OR does it work with ealier versions (9.3.0 for example) as well?

Thanks, Ryan, this is great news!
We’ve waited for this time to stop pulling the whole codebase only for awxkit dependency.

@Tuan, It should work at most of the times with older versions as API hasn’t changed much.

As of AWX 13.0.0, where import/export were added, inventory scripts are deprecated, so, awxkit doesn’t export them(i.e. from lower versions like 12.0.0) and you can see errors like
This endpoint is deprecated: /api/v2/inventory_scripts/1/
Foreign key ‘source_script’ export failed for object /api/v2/inventory_sources/9/, setting to null

Hey Tuan,

What Fedor said - it’ll work so long as HTTP API compatibility exists between the two - and we’re pretty discerning about backward incompatible HTTP API changes. We don’t do any cross-versioning testing on our end, but I’d expect many things to just work.

That was very helpful. Thanks guys.