Skip Checking Galaxy Collection versions from internet

I am using the plugin to sync inventory and even though I have installed the collection in the EE it is trying to get to the internet to install the collection. This fails and causes the project sync to fail.

I have tried pointing the requirements.yml file to a git repo, removing it all together etc. No matter how I handle this it is checking to outside. I just want to skip this as internet access is blocked (it used to work).

How do I skip this step on the Project Sync?

You can disable the feature globally for collection downloads as seen here with the Enable Collection(s) Download.

I’d expect your project to contain collections/requirements.yml if the collection containing the plugin you are trying to leverage is in the EE linked to the job.

Are you attempting to install and use the or the plugin? The is the most recently released one.

If you are able to share your inventory file and execution-environment.yml file that would be helpful (even if you need to sanitze them.