Simple Self-Service Like Portal for use with Ansible?

Hey there!

I’ve built a bunch of automation for me and my colleagues at work. Unfortunately, my colleagues are not as keen on using ansible as I am. I have most of my automation in AWX, but it still needs some manual information from time to time. Does anyone know of a tool that can act as something like a survey, where different questions are asked that works with ansible or can fire an API Call to the AWX in the end with the provided values?

Here’s an example for clarity about deploying new VMs onto VMware vCenter:

The survey would ask the user basics about the VM, like Location, desired hostname, OS (Debian, Ubuntu, RHEL, …) and some hardware information. Then maybe it has some conditional inputs, where if they answer “Berlin” for location, they are only offered vLANs to select for the VM that are present there and so on.

Does something like this exist already? I know that AWX can prompt for variables on launch, but that’s not very user friendly IMO. Was just wondering if there’s something out there that can do that, that doesn’t require to learn an entire new tool, like ServiceNow.

Would appreciate all input about how you may solve such a problem! Thanks!