Setting timeout in inventory module

I’ve run my inventory source 10 times and it’s failed 9 for timeout. It worked once, by dumb luck, so I know my problem is timeout. I cannot set the timeout. I’ve tried setting it in the environment, in the AWX Job Settings, and in the inventory script. Everywhere I can set it, it becomes a string, and the string is rejected because an integer is required. I have no way to set an integer anywhere.

Do I have to learn IRC to talk to these people? Does anyone here do the IRC?

do you if the timeout is client side or server side? which exact setting are you attempting to set?

AWX Team

also you can use element to chat if you don’t want to set up IRC

My company blocks element. :frowning: IRC is never going to be easy for us corporate types.

I posted a bug on the servicenow.itsm github. I got a follow up inquiry, but no answer yet. Anyway, I was trying to set the value in the Custom Credential, like I set all the other values. So far as I can tell, it’s a bug in the script that the value cannot be supplied that way. I did figure out about an hour ago the value can be sent in the playbook for the inventory.

table: cmdb_ci_app_server_weblogic
timeout: 900.5

I’d post the rest, but I’m still fighting through bugs. I can download all the hosts, but the inventory script keeps filtering them all out and I cannot figure out why yet. It creates the groups correctly, but filters out every host. Bizarre.

The filtering was due to a debugging filter I’d put on the Inventory Source a few days ago and forgot was there. Removed and became happy. :slight_smile: