Hi Everyone,
I want to use variable that I defined in set_fact task in template. But it’s not working. Can anyone please suggest if I’m doing anything wrong.
Below is the syntax I am using in tasks file.
- name: Setting fact for logfile
set_fact: log_file_path=“/home/log.txt” include_path=“true”
when: “‘job’ in inventory_hostname”
and below is the syntax I’m using in template.
{%if include_path == “true” %}
some steps
{% else %}
some steps
Even include_path=“true” while executing the playbook, template is always adding the steps in else statement.
Since you haven't explained what you are trying to do some guessing is required.
Your when will only trigger if the inventory_hostname is "job".
So for all the other hosts this fact is not set.
The in clause is normally used to find an element in a dictonary, inventory_hostname is a string.
I guess you are looking for .find as shown in this example
Thanks for the reply.
My bad, I did not explain it clearly.
Actually what I’m trying to achieve is:
I want to give conditions on template that I am copying to server. When the client hostname has ‘job’ word in it then template should have some text else template should have some other text.
For example: if host name is ‘dev-jobs.company.com’, the template I am copying should have log_file_path=“/home/log.txt” otherwise it should have log_file_path=“/tmp/log.txt”
What is the best way to achieve this ??
Have you tried with your conditional in your template as:
{% if include_path %}
some steps
{% else %}
some steps
{% endif %}
Or add a debug prior to template for:
My guess would be you will see include_path as True rather than true.