Set fact based on particular condition of list variable not working

I have vars file as below

 - 10350.0.0
 - 10351.0.0
 - 10352.0.0
 - 10360.0.0
 - 10361.0.0
 - 10362.0.0
 - 10363.0.0
 - 10364.0.0
 - 10365.0.0
 - 10366.0.0
 - 10367.0.0
 - 10368.0.0
 - 10370.0.0
 - 10371.0.0
 - 10372.0.0
 - 10380.0.0
 - 10381.0.0
 - 10382.0.0
 - 10383.0.0
 - 10384.0.0
 - 10390.0.0
 - 10391.0.0
 - 10392.0.0
 - 10400.0.0
 - 10401.0.0
 - 10402.0.0
 - 10403.0.0
 - 10404.0.0

I am trying to setup an variable when particular build length matches with the package version but it throws with the following error 

    - debug: var=builds[4]  -> Getting value from the list works
    - set_fact: buildslen={{ builds | length }} -> Length of the list 
    - debug: var=pkgversion -> Package version
    - debug: var=buildslen 
    - debug: var=builds[{{item}}]
      with_sequence: start=0 count={{ buildslen }}  -> Looping through all the versions works fine
    - set_fact: exactlen=builds[{{ item }}]
      when: builds[{{ item }}] == {{ pkgversion }} 
      with_sequence: start=0 count={{ buildslen }}
    - debug: var=exactlen

You dont need moustaches in conditionals:

when: builds[item] == pkgversion

Unfortunately its the same error

fatal: []: FAILED! => {“msg”: "The conditional check ‘builds[item] == pkgversion’ failed. The error was: error while evaluating conditional (builds[item] == pkgversion): ‘list object’ has no attribute u’0’