Used to work and it stopped working. No idea why
I have a playbook with multiple plays
name: Configuring zookeeper
hosts: zookeeperServers
#- debug: msg=“{{ inventory_hostname }}”
#- debug: msg=“{{ play_hosts.index(inventory_hostname) }}” -
tempdir: “{{ }}{{ ansible_date_time.time[0:2] }}{{ ansib
le_date_time.time[3:5] }}{{ ansible_date_time.time[6:8] }}” -
name: getting list of zookeeper hostnames
local_action: ‘lineinfile create=yes dest=/tmp/{{ tempdir }}/zookHostnames.yaml
line=“zkhost{{ play_hosts.index(inventory_hostname) }}: {{ inven
tory_hostname }}”’ -
name: get list of kafka hostnames
hosts: kafkaServers
#- debug: msg=“{{ inventory_hostname }}”
#- debug: msg=“{{ play_hosts.index(inventory_hostname) }}” -
local_action: ‘lineinfile create=yes dest=/tmp/{{ tempdir }}/kafkaHostnames.yaml
line=“kfkahost{{ play_hosts.index(inventory_hostname) }}: {{ inv
entory_hostname }}”’
#- include_vars:
dir: ‘…/group_vars’
depth: 1
name: include vars
hosts: localhost
connection: local
tasks: -
debug: msg=“{{ tempdir }}”
dir: ‘/tmp/{{ tempdir }}’
depth: 1 -
name: list topic
hosts: localhost
- name: include vars
- include_vars: dir=“…/group_vars” depth=“1”
#dir: ‘…/group_vars’
#depth: 1
- name:
shell: /app/bin/kafka/bin/ --zookeeper {{ zkhost0 }}:2181 --list
register: topic
delegate_to: “{{ kfkahost0 }}” - local_action: copy content={{ topic.stdout }} dest=./topic-list.txt
the tempdir seems to persist on the second play where i run against the kafkaServers but it errors out at the next play where i have local host.
It says tempdir is invalid
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {“failed”: true, “msg”: "the field ‘args’ has an invalid value, which appears to include a variable that is undefined. The error was: ‘tempdir’ is undefined
this worked before and i have output files to prove it. Not sure why it is not working now.