service: ... state=started always shows "changed"

I have a couple Ubuntu 12.04 LTS machines. Both have been configured through ansible with the following:

  • name: install ntp
    apt: pkg=ntp state=latest
    tags: ntp

  • name: configure ntp file
    template: src=ntp.conf.j2 dest=/etc/ntp.conf
    tags: ntp
    notify: restart ntp

  • name: start the ntp service
    service: name=ntp state=started enabled=true
    tags: ntp

However, when I run ansible, it always shows starting the ntp service as “changed”:

(ansible)rsyring@antec:~/dev/3in1-internal/ansible-src$ ansible-playbook -i hosts officevms.yaml
sudo password:

PLAY [apply common configuration to all nodes] ********************************

GATHERING FACTS ***************************************************************
ok: [lmachen]
ok: [lbeza]

TASK: [install ntp] ***********************************************************
ok: [lmachen]
ok: [lbeza]

TASK: [configure ntp file] ****************************************************
ok: [lbeza]
ok: [lmachen]

TASK: [start the ntp service] *************************************************
changed: [lbeza]
changed: [lmachen]

PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************
lbeza : ok=4 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0
lmachen : ok=4 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0

However, I have verified the NTP service is running before I run ansible:

rsyring@lmachen:~$ service ntp status

  • NTP server is running


If you run “service ntpd status”, what is the exit code?