Sent Email with HIgh Importance

I was trying to send an email with high importance using community.general.mail, below is the script that I’m using.
but these are getting skipped. IDK why. If any one have worked with it please help.

- hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: no
          - ""
          - ""
    - block:  
          - name: Sending an e-mail when the compatibility check fails
                host: ""
                port: "587"
                username: ""
                password: "PASSWORD"
                from: ""
                to: "{{ in_to | join(',') }}"
                cc: "{{ in_cc | join(',') }}"
                subject: Compatibility check Failed
                   - X-Priority: "1"         
                   - X-MSMail-Priority: "High"
                   - Importance: "High"       
                body:  "Please do the necessary validations involved."
              - debug:
                  msg: "Error in Sending Email"
PLAY [localhost] **************************************************************************************************************

TASK [Sending an e-mail when the compatibility check fails] *******************************************************************
[WARNING]: Skipping header '{'X-Priority': '1'}', unable to parse
[WARNING]: Skipping header '{'X-MSMail-Priority': 'High'}', unable to parse
[WARNING]: Skipping header '{'Importance': 'High'}', unable to parse
ok: [localhost]

The documentation of mail states:

A list of headers which should be added to the message. Each individual header is specified as header=value

It also points to an example in the same document:

    - X-Special="Something or other"

thanks @jpmens for correcting me here.
althogh, now I have made the changes in the script and its working without missing the headers, but still, I’m not getting mails marked as HIGH IMPORTANCE.

[devuser@controlnode ~]$ ansible-playbook send_email.yml 

PLAY [localhost] *********************************************************************************************************

TASK [Sending an e-mail when the compatibility check fails] **************************************************************
ok: [localhost]

PLAY RECAP ***************************************************************************************************************
localhost                  : ok=1    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0   

EDIT: It worked. I have to pass only one header inside headers Parameter. Thanks for the help. @jpmens