Sendgrid module

Hey folks, while at AnsibleFest I mentioned a pull request for a Sendgrid module that sends email through their API. However, I realized I never started a discussion topic on this pull request.

The API is used in this module instead of SMTP because in some environments there are email ports blocked by firewalls but HTTPS traffic is fine. The module has been blessed by the Sendgrid folks (I actually wrote this while at their offices in Boulder). They also said they’d be happy to make improvements in future pull requests.

Thoughts on incorporating this under the core notifications modules for 1.7?

We won’t comment on merge timelines, but tickets are all tagged with a priority order which are occasionally adjusted.

We’ll tackle language-specific items first, including major bugs if any, and then generally will work on getting pull requests related to heavily used modules in first.

Thankfully the sendgrid module, should people wish to use it, can be easily dropped in a “./library” directory alongside a playbook and is good to go, or could be configured in the ansible role path.

That being said, new modules are often some of the easiest things to add – so inclusion is very likely.