Scheduled jobs are not executing (v24.6.1 w/ docker deployment)

We have a couple jobs that are scheduled to run overnight. We have noticed on this new version that these jobs have not been running. We were previously on version 21.x.x though, so it was a bit of a jump to get to this new version.

Here is an example: a simple schedule that backs up the AWX configs every night at 10 pm PDT, created on 10/3/2024

You can see that the job has not ran much at all since 10/3/2024 and the executions that are here were executed manually

Has anyone encountered this issue? Any thoughts on what to check here?

It says Next run 10/22/2024, 10:00:00 PM in the schedule, but the latest manual job execution is from 10/21/2024, so I suppose the schedule will work as it is supposed to when the next run time comes.

This can happen if you change the Repeat Frequency from Month to Day, without changing the Next Run time.

Me showing that screen on the schedule is to show you that I made the Schedules correctly. The schedule has been active since 10/3 but you don’t see it run every night at 10 pm…

The schedule will not run until the Next Run time:

And I’m telling you that it hasn’t been running…

I get it. Sorry for that!
I would simply try recreating the schedule if it is not running.

Recreating the schedule did not fix the issue. It’s not running as scheduled

Very weird