Same host in inventory twice with two different ports, not working


I have an inventory file with the same host twice, once using ssh on port 22, once using ssh on port 12345. This is inventory file bad.hosts2:

[host1] ansible_connection=ssh ansible_ssh_user=root

[host2] ansible_connection=ssh ansible_ssh_user=root

The intent is to use one host (host1) to copy a new sshd config file and to setup sshd to run on a different port. From then on, the second host (host2) would be used.

However, the behavior is strange: no matter what I do, port 22 is used.

Johns-MacBook-Air:ansible.bug j$ ansible -i bad.hosts2 -m ping host1| success >> {

“changed”: false,

“ping”: “pong”


Johns-MacBook-Air:ansible.bug j$ ansible -i bad.hosts2 -m ping host2 | success >> {

“changed”: false,

“ping”: “pong”


Note sshd is only running on port 22, and if I switch the order of the two hosts in the inventory file, both host1 and host2 will fail the ping.

What is happening here?



Instead of using groups, you should likely use aliases such as:

host1 ansible_port=22
host2 ansible_port=12345

Inventory names in Ansible are unique, so aliasing like that allows you to duplicate a host, while keep configurations for each different.

I think what better solution for storing SSH settings (hostname, port, username, proxycommand, identityfile …) is ~/.ssh/config.

Try using “ansible_ssh_port” rather than hostname:port.