Ansible aliases does not work as expected

Hi everybody!

It seems, inventory aliases does not work if trying to connect to hosts behind NAT with same address and different ssh_port.

I,m wondering, if I have made some mistake in configuration, or it is a bug or known feature?

Ansible version:

d.lomanchuk@LenovoX220i:~/.ansible$ ansible --version ansible config file = /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg configured module search path = Default w/o overrides

My inventory:

d.lomanchuk@LenovoX220i:~/.ansible$ cat test_inventory [denet] mycoolbox ansible_host= ansible_port=2210 ansible_user=dmitry ansible_password=******* le_lxc ansible_host= ansible_port=2323 ansible_user=dmitry ansible_password=*******`


Trying to ping hosts i see failures sometimes:

d.lomanchuk@LenovoX220i:~/.ansible$ ansible -i test_inventory -m ping all
le_lxc | FAILED! => {
“failed”: true,
“msg”: “failed to transfer file to /home/dmitry/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1489399666.62-12650861868843/\n\nscp: /home/dmitry/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1489399666.62-12650861868843/ No such file or directory\n”
mycoolbox | SUCCESS => {
“changed”: false,
“ping”: “pong”


But, if I try to ping them again immediately after such failure, everything looks good:

d.lomanchuk@LenovoX220i:~/.ansible$ ansible -i test_inventory -m ping all
mycoolbox | SUCCESS => {
"changed": false,
"ping": "pong"
le_lxc | SUCCESS => {
"changed": false,
"ping": "pong"

However, if I try to run hostname command via “shell” module immediately after that, I see that ansible connects to the same host (one of all):

d.lomanchuk@LenovoX220i:~/.ansible$ ansible -i test_inventory -m shell -a “hostname” all
le_lxc | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>

mycoolbox | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>


Aliases works as expected, only if I type them in /etc/hosts on my machine.


d.lomanchuk@LenovoX220i:~/.ansible$ tail -n 2 /etc/hosts mycoolbox le_lxc

Then, everything works as expected.

d.lomanchuk@LenovoX220i:~/.ansible$ ansible -i test_inventory -m shell -a “hostname” all
le_lxc | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>

mycoolbox | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>


It was my silly configuration mistake.

There are a lot of servers with very long hostnames in my network.
That is why I changed ansible.cfg control_path parameter to:
So, if ansible_host and ansible_user are the same for multiple hosts - the problem occures.

control_path = %(directory)s/%%h-%%r

For example:


alias1 ansible_port=2222 ansible_user=dmitry

alias2 ansible_port=2233 ansible_user=dmitry