Hi All,
I have followed instructions on setting up bastion host from this article “https://gagor.pl/2016/04/use-bastion-host-with-ansible/” while I’m able to connect to my cisco switch through bastion host from a command line by executing “ssh -F ssh_config bastion” from the playbook I can’t make it go through the bastion host, it still continues to connect directly to the switch, attached below is my playbook.
Hi, can anyone give a help on this?
connection: local means, run everything on local machine, I guess that's not what you want.
I dont't think IOS has sudo/su, so become: yes might not work either.
what should i set the connection as to make sure it goes through the bastion host? I have already setup the ssh config and ansible.cfg with the ssh args, since you mentioned connection= local it won’t go from bastion, i want to change this to go through bastion host.
Thank you.
ssh which is the default so just remove or comment out the line.
Thank you!
It was ssh by default, it is just I did not have paramiko installed on my jump host, once that was done the connectivity was successful.