bastion host type connection to ansible

How can use ansible with the below ssh.cfg

Host test

I am trying to connect machine1. The above settings let me connect with

ssh test is working like a jump host.

I created ansible.cfg as

inventory = hosts
host_key_checking = False
log_path = /path/to//ansible-playbooks/test/out.log

ssh_args = -F /path/to//ansible-playbooks/test/ssh.cfg

The below command didn’t worked

ansible-playbook -i hosts test/playbook.yml --limit test

Any idea?

What are you actually wanting to connect to? Are you wanting to run your ansible playbook on the jump host or a host behind it?

Bear in mind Ansible just uses SSH, so you could look into configuring your local SSH config to use SSHProxyCommand

My advice would also be skip testing this using a playbook, simplify the process

ansible -i hosts test -m ping

See if you get a response.