Running ansible playbook in windows target

Hi ,

I have used ansible and deployed in the linux host , now I got a new requirement to deploy in windows host. I wanted to try using ssh method ( using openssh in windows) . I have set proper ssh connection and manually able to login. But when I try to run playbook ( sample ping) I am getting error saying log directory could not be created. I have created folder and trying ssh with same user even given full permission to that folder. But playbook is getting . Can anyone help me resolve this issue ? or Am I trying something wrong here? Please guide me with right steps. Thanks in advance.

This is my ansible.cfg config part

remote_tmp     = "C:\Users\srsaranya\Desktop\ansible_logs"

This is my playbook:

- hosts: win
     - ping:

If the target host is a windows host, you should use the win_ping module not the ping module

Tony Chia