Route53 module creating TXT record InvalidTXTRDATA

When I try to use the Route53 module to create a TXT record which has a value that is a variable, I get InvalidTXTRDATA error because Ansible is URL encoding the adjacent double quote character. Using a string instead of a variable is successful.


  • set_fact:
    my_text: something_here

  • name: Publish Route53 txt record
    module: route53
    region: “{{ region | default(omit) }}”
    profile: “{{ profile | default(omit) }}”

command: create
overwrite: yes
zone: “{{ domain }}”
type: TXT
record: “{{ my_environment }}.{{ domain }}”
value: ‘“{{ my_text }}”’
when: with_dns_txt | bool

TASK: [my_role | Publish Route53 txt record] ******
failed: [my_host →] => {“failed”: true}
msg: Invalid Resource Record: FATAL problem: InvalidTXTRDATA encountered at "something_here

Has anyone else had success with publishing a Route53 TXT record with a value based upon a variable? If so, what was your solution?
In the meantime, I will use the AWS CLI to work around this issue.
