Roles Concept in ansible 2.7 version

I am familiar with this ansible coding. Right now, ansible updated to 2.7. While running/checking the syntax of a code. I am getting error as a malformed block was encountered while loading a block.
I found that problem is with ansible keyword “roles”. In ansible 2.7, roles syntax changed partially. I am posting my code here. Can anyone help me to resolve this issue…


Are you sing ansible lint? the issue might be spacing in your roles.

@Jonathan Lozada De La Matta … I am not using Ansible lint… I specified only one role there that to be in correct manner.

Can you share the actual output. I’m not aware of any syntax changes to roles. It sounds like the block issue is in the role you are calling and not the playbook.

Hi, This is the code… Have a look…

I would check the role called san and verify that the spacing for the block is correct. Look at the ansible documentation for an example of a block.


Agreed, we’ve seen your playbook I want to see the output when running Ansible as that will tell us where the syntax issue is.


I am trying to setup communication between ansible and a windows server which is hosted in virtual machine manager.

I set host file and trying to communicate through basic authentication.
I have open the ports 5985
And allowedunecrypted : true

Do any one know about it.

I am getting error like
Bad HTTP response from server . Code 404

Thanks in advance

Hi Sateesh