reuse of paramter value inside configuration file


I’m running a playbook that create a user on remote server and also, generate keytab file for that user based on domain properties.

I have a configuration file that holds the username , uid and some other information.

  1. I wish that that keytab file will be par of the configuration and that the name of the file will be based on the provide username - username.keytab.

  2. If I set a value of uid to start with - in my example is 2000 , can I run and index. First user 2000+1 (2001) , second user 2000+2 (2002) and etc

Configuration file

start_user_uid: 2000
users_keytab_location: /opt/keytab
domain: CLUSTER3.COM

     - {username: user3 , uid: 2001 , user_domain_password: 1234@WSX , keytab_name: {{ username }}.keytab }
     - {username: user2 , uid: 2002 , user_domain_password: 1234 ,keytab_name: {{ username }}.keytab }
     - {username: user3 , uid: 2003 , user_domain_password: 1234 ,keytab_name: {{ username }}.keytab }


- name: create user
    name: "{{ item.username }}"
    uid: "{{ item.uid }}"
  with_items: "{{ user_details }}"

- name: Generate Kerberos ticket
    command: ktutil
        - "add_entry -password -p {{ item.username }}@{{ domain }}  -k 1 -e rc4-hmac"
        - "wkt /data/ansible/add-user/{{ item.keytab_name }}.keytab"
        - "quit"
      Password: "{{ item.user_domain_password }}"
  delegate_to: localhost
  with_items: "{{ user_details }}"

Referencing a key in a dictionary doesn't work.