This should work (was missing quote):
- name: create user(s)
user: name=${item} shell=/bin/bash
with_file: “./user-list.txt”
adding same with_file here and item for file name should do the rest:
- name: setup authorized key(s)
action: authorized_key user=xmxb077 key=‘$FILE(/home/xmxb077/Code/Ansible/user_add/Users/${item}.pub)’
with_file: “./user-list.txt”
I would totally simplify this rather than doing this as you say.
Define your list of users in something like a “users.yml” file
In the play:
That defines a variable users, which is a list of strings. Later this might be a hash of attributes about the user.
In the task:
with_items: ${users}
Or in 1.2 syntax, simpler!
with_items: users
The idea of loading them from a text file is fine, but loading them from a YAML file so they are data is better.
You may also move on to wanting to keep those definitions in a group_vars/ file, so different hosts can get different lists of users, or even source that users list from external software later.
Hello Michael, Hello everyone,
First off thank you for the various suggestions. I ended up following Mr. DeHaan’s suggestions. After a few tries, it finally “clicked” and I can see what the flow was like amongst the various files.
None-the-less, here’s a posting of what I’ve done to help any new-comers (like me
As usual any suggestions are highly appreciated.
I’ll probably setup a git-repository and post it there for future reference.
*** vars/users.yml ***
project_root: /home/ubuntu/Code/Ansible/user_add
key_files: /home/ubuntu/Code/Ansible/user_add/Keys
- xmxb070
- xlxr073
- xtxb007
- xmxk074
- xaxu077
*** user_add.yml ***