rescue for target failed connection question using localhost

Hi everyone. Good day.

When we have a regular task like creating a file, or something similar, we can use block and rescue to manage what happens in failure cases.

But can we do the same for the first task (connection) on a target and rescue using localhost?

What I would like to achieve is this.

I just did something very similar:

- name: Check Nodes
  hosts: all
  gather_facts: false
  - name: ping hosts
    ignore_errors: True
    ignore_unreachable: True
    register: ping_results

- hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: false
  - name: Add failed hosts to failed_group
      hostname: "{{ item }}"
      groups: unreachable
    when: hostvars[item]['ping_results'] is unreachable
    loop: '{{groups["all"]}}'

  - name: just for show, but here you can do any actions like
'bootstraping' the machines, removing from inventory, etc
      msg: "{{ groups['unreachable'] }}"

I forgot to mention, the reason your rescue does not work is because
the task did not fail, but the host was unreachable.
block/rescue/always only acts on task failure, not host being

In my example above I ignore unreachable and task errors so the '2nd
play' can handle them differently.

Hi Brian.

Using ignore unreachable and failing based on the condition of the register variable based on your example did the trick for me.

I appreciate your time and sharing.