Dear All.
Need your help we are in the process of Automating the cognos analytics servers from Linux env with ansible code .
Requirement : we have two Jar files named local_policy.jar and US_export_policy.jar in our current installation directory …/ibm/jre/lib/security/ and we need to replace the new local_policy.jar and US_export_policy.jar and we are writing the code as below .
Ansible code:
name: Put Oracle drivers in cognos directory
get_url: >
url={{ artifactory_url }}/libs-ibm-lic-local/com/oracle/ojdbc7/
dest={{ cognos_dir }}/drivers/ojdbc7-
owner=‘{{ cognos_user }}’
group=‘{{ cognos_group }}’
become: yes -
name: Put US export policy file in cognos directory
get_url: >
url={{ artifactory_url }}/libs-ibm-local/com/ibm/jce/US_export_policy/2013-02-27/US_export_policy-2013-02-27.jar
dest={{ cognos_dir }}/jre/lib/security/US_export_policy.jar
owner=‘{{ cognos_user }}’
group=‘{{ cognos_group }}’
become: yes
The above code is not taking any code or copying the new policy files since the { cognos_dir }}/jre/lib/security/ has that files and if we change the name to US_export_policy_1.jar we can see the file new file US_export_policy_1.jar
we modified the above code by adding force:Yes not sure if this works or not
name: Put local policy file in cognos directory
get_url: >
url={{ artifactory_url }}/libs-ibm-local/com/ibm/jce/local_policy/2013-02-27/local_policy-2013-02-27.jar
dest={{ cognos_dir }}/jre/lib/security/local_policy.jar
owner=‘{{ cognos_user }}’
group=‘{{ cognos_group }}’
force: yes
become: yes
Can any one suggest an exact approch to move furture