deploying jars

Hi team,

i need to download and deploy some jars using Ansible from Jenkins. Some of our jars with dependencies are large (150mb) so this is slow.

Is there anyway i can check if and only download if the resource has changed?

Or alternatively what’s the best practice for dealing with this situation?



Assuming that you can get them onto the Ansible server (use local_action maybe?) then the best suggestion that I have is to use copy or synchronise to get them onto the remote machines…

Synchronise uses rsync while copy takes an md5 of the local file and the remote file and only sends it over if the result is different. You may still need to download the files once per run so that you have them locally to compare against the destinations, but that would be an improvement over using get_url on each client to download the files every time.

I hope that this helps,
