Remote Windows batch script says completed successful, but did not work

I’m running Ansible on a Ubuntu 14.04 Control Machine. I’m using the script module in my Playbook to run a batch file, which executes a PowerShell script to create a Windows share (Windows Server 2012 R2). The Playbook completes successfully:

ok=3 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0

However, the share is not created.

I confirmed it works if I run the same batch file manually on the Windows server.

Here’s my Playbook:

  • name: Create shares

script: files/ui/create-shares.bat

tags: create-shares

Here’s the batch script:


SET PowerShellScriptPath=C:\create-shares.ps1

PowerShell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command “& {Start-Process PowerShell -ArgumentList '-NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File “”%PowerShellScriptPath%”“’ -Verb RunAs}”;

Here’s the PowerShell script:

New-SmbShare -Name test -Path C:\test -FullAccess domain\user

Any ideas?

My guess would be you need to run as a privileged user, such as Administrator.

There is a PR for a win_share module which sounds like just what you are after though.

I will dig out the link.


My guess would be you need to run as a privileged user, such as Administrator.

There is a PR for a win_share module which sounds like just what you are after though.

I will dig out the link.


Hi Jon,

Thanks for the quick reply.

I’m authenticating to the Windows server using kerberos and the user is an Administrator on the server.


It's here

Would be great if you could test it as it would get it one step closer to being included in Ansible.


Thanks Jon.

I’ll give it a try and post back.


Yes! That module works for me!

I’ve approved the Pull Request in GitHub as well.


It looks like the PR for the win_share module is ready to be merged - do you know when that would actually be merged into the devel branch?

Also, do you know where my modules are located if I’ve installed Ansible using the apt-get repo? The ansible.cfg on my Ubuntu machine has a commented-out library location:

$ cat /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg | grep library

#library = /usr/share/my_modules/

And /usr/share/my_modules is empty.

Nervermind. Figured out how to add custom_modules into roles:

Thanks again.
