Regarding No space left on device error

Hi All,

I have been facing the following issue:

/home/ansible/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp: No space left on device.

I have cleared the space in Ansible server and another server but the issue still persists.

Can some one please help me?

This could be about not enough inodes

Try this and see if the IUse% is near 100%:

df -i

Okay Vesser Thanks and will check

Just to state the obvious, because it can trip you up. Was the space you cleared available to/under /home/ansible? I have seen this be a symlink to other locations than what you expect, and also seen this error when you hit quota limits on the user which can also trigger against privilege changes to root or a secondary account.

Thanks Evan for your inputs.

Hi Visser,

The Iuse percentage is not an issue as per the above screenshot

Try the other tips from previous poster Evan, or try to seek help from the group that manages the system (if that is not you).

In any case this isn’t an ansible issue, but some local storage/configuration issue on your side.


I think you should provide some more details

What task failed what was run?

Also share df -h

Thank you


Okay Visser and Thanks for your inputs.


Can you run this from your Ansible control node against the target as the ansible user?

ansible ‘TARGETNAME’ -m command -a ‘df -h /home/’

ansible ‘TARGETNAME’ -m command -a ‘df -h /home/ansible/’

ansible ‘TARGETNAME’ -m command -a ‘df -h /home/ansible/.ansible’

ansible ‘TARGETNAME’ -m command -a ‘df -h /home/ansible/.ansible/tmp’


Okay Stan and I will run and let you know. Thanks for your inputs.


I’ve seen “No space left on device” reported when the actual issue was that the filesystem being operated on was mounted read-only rather than read-write.

Thanks Todd for your inputs.

That’s a great point Todd.

If the TARGET is Linux, run this and look for ‘ro’ read-only or ‘rw’ read-write.

ansible ‘TARGET’ -m shell -a ‘cat /proc/mounts | grep "/home "’

Thanks Stan for your inputs.

One possibilit is that a transient file is created by the ansible
task, and cleared away if the file generation fails.

Thanks Nico for your inputs.

Hi I have verified in the particular server :

I did google and check the whether the file system has read only or read/write permissions. I am little bit confused about whether is in Ansible server or target server. The other builds, which are successfull in Ansible server. The issue might be in target server but not sure. and Not sure how to fix the transient file issue.