Reduce fragmentation: moving stuff to the forum and archiving repos

As community-topics repo is on the way to oblivion (the discussion and thanks everyone who’s closing issue there), i suggest doing more to reduce fragmentation. How about moving activities from the following repos and archiving them:

I know there are many inactive repos that we can archive but in this topic i would focus only on repos we use actively like the above. If anything else actively used by the community that we can move here comes to your mind please mention.
The algorithm will be roughtly:

  1. Move all the activities to the forum (if needed, create groups, invite people, add categories/tags)
  2. Make sure all the references on and on readthedocs poin to the forum
  3. Put a note in READMEs and open an issue in affected repos about moving the activities to the forum
  4. Archive the repo

I also don’t think we should vote on this one: just imo a verbal approval of some people using particular repos would be enough. If it’s silent here, we’ll interpret it as an agreement :wink:



Let’s proceed with overview

I see the following actions we need to do in order to archive the repo

As there was no opposition to the proposal, I’ll start implementing it.
If I missed anything, please put a comment. If you wanna help, raise your hand:)

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UPDATE: decided to suspend this for now considering the community feedback.

Let’s also proceed with ansible-inclusion

As there was no opposition to the proposal, we can start implementing it.
If I missed anything, please put a comment. If you wanna help, raise your hand:)

I’m not sure whether moving inclusion request discussions to the Forum will make it easier. GH discussions allow threads, which are more readable (if used correctly) than discussions here, at least for longer discussions.

(I fully agree with the overview repo though.)

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While working on the overview, was thinking about the same.
As there are more voices besides that one in my head, let’s keep it as-is?
@mariolenz @markuman @gotmax23 @russoz @briantist are you OK with not moving things from ansible-inclusion to the forum?

I tend to move the inclusion requests to the forum. But I’m not against keeping it as-is if you think GH discussions are better for this.

OK, cool, let’s suspend the ansible-inclusion-to-forum move for now, i’ve just added a comment in the related TODO list.

Another idea is how about moving the inclusion-related discussions to ansible-build-data? Not saying that it’s a good one coz i don’t hang out in the repo a lot but what do you think?

At the end of the day, including a new collection means adding it to ansible-build-data. At the spur of the moment, I would say moving inclusion discussions there makes sense. We would have the discussion about inclusion and the inclusion itself in one place.

Or does anyone say see any drawbacks to this?

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I don’t think moving the discussions to ansible-build-data is a good idea. That repository is for working on and discussing Ansible releases, not for discussing adding new collections to Ansible. I think it’s better to keep these two things separate.

(Also this would make it a lot harder to sort discussions in my mailbox. Right now I have two different folders for ansible-inclusion and for ansible-build-data. Using two different places makes it a lot easier to keep them separate.)