Meeting Log | Ansible Community Working Group | 2024-05-01 18:03:33

Ansible Community Working Group | Ansible Community Working Group |

Meeting started by at 2024-05-01 18:03:33

Meeting summary

  1. INFO: Agenda: / Topics: (, 18:03:55)
  2. INFO: Past meeting logs (, 18:04:11)
  3. TOPIC: Updates (, 18:04:37)
    1. INFO: Ansible 10.0.0 alpha2 released! (, 18:06:00)
    2. INFO: please take part in the polls on the future of the Ansible community package: (, 18:06:57)
    3. INFO: - should we move the docs to ansible-community org? - (, 18:08:55)
    4. INFO: driver for moving docs (again) seems to be granting permissions to the docs for the entire steering committee and having better control over that for the community (, 18:10:19)
    5. INFO: we did move the docs just about a year ago.. out of ansible/ansible (, 18:11:34)
  4. TOPIC: Archiving community-topics repo (, 18:14:52)
    1. INFO: SC has already moved away from the community-topics repo so it's time to archve it - (, 18:15:30)
    2. INFO: we are down to 18 issues (plus one to say weve moved lol) (, 18:16:04)
    3. INFO: if you have a topic there, please close if it's done, close if it isn't done and start a forum topic, etc... (, 18:16:25)
  5. TOPIC: collection inclusion requests (, 18:18:13)
    1. INFO: If community members had membership to the org through the ansible-community team, that was for the ansible/community repo, that access will be going away soon (, 18:22:32)
    2. INFO: looks like a good handful of people not currently active exist only in the ansible-community team, but since the team had no special permissions, should have no real impact to their future work (, 18:29:13)
  6. TOPIC: Collection inclusion for realz this time (, 18:31:05)
    1. INFO: 4 new collections are waiting for first reviews - (, 18:31:34)
    2. INFO: 1 collection waiting for second review - (, 18:31:57)
    3. INFO: consider taking a collection from those lists to review using this process - (, 18:33:47)
    4. INFO: any amount of review helps move these issues along and thanks! (, 18:34:03)
  7. TOPIC: Open Floor (, 18:36:53)
    1. INFO: we hope to do more cleanu/archiving of repos in other orgs too (, 18:38:20)
    2. INFO: two repos under discussion for archiving are the ansible-inclusion one used for new collections inclusions and the ansible-collections/overview - which has a LOT of docs related to collections overall (, 18:39:44)

Meeting ended at 2024-05-01 18:41:55

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. (59)
  2. (10)
  3. (7)
  4. (2)
  5. (2)
  6. (2)

Full logs: full_log.txt

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